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The Native Village of Unalakleet Housing Department is funded by grants authorized under the Native American Housing Assistance and Self Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA). Under NAHASDA, NVU is eligible for the annual Indian Housing Block Grant, as well as numerous other competitive grants. Activities that are eligible for funding under NAHASDA include services such as housing development, rental and housing assistance, home repair programs, crime prevention and safety, and “model activities” that demonstrate creative solutions to housing problems. NAHASDA funding is intended to assist primarily low-income American Indian/Alaska Native individuals and families.


We can assist families within the following NAHASDA income limits:


Number in Household     -        1              2                3                4               5               6

Maximum Income Limit -  $56,750   $64,850    $72,950   $81,050    $87,550    $94,050




The NVU Housing Department does not currently have any available subsidized rentals, however Unalakleet residents are welcome to submit an application at any time. Then you will be added to the waiting list and will be notified of any openings.


We are currently taking applications for a limited number of Weatherization projects. These projects will focus on insulation and energy efficiency improvements. Please apply using the Application for Weatherization Assistance.


Down Payment Assistance Program


The Down Payment Assistance Program is always available to Unalakleet residents as funds allow. NVU can provide up to $15,000 in the form of a forgivable loan for down payment and closing costs. Contact the Housing Director for more details.


The NVU Housing Department is committed to providing opportunities for safe, decent, and affordable housing for tribal members; and to do so in a way that is consistent with the Tribe’s social, cultural and economic values. If you need housing assistance, contact Kari Duame, NVU Housing Director at (970) 729-2676. 


For general housing assistance inquiries, contact Kari Duame, Housing Director, at



Application for Housing Assistance

Application for Weatherization Assistance

Also, there is the Native American Homeowner Initiative Grant (NAHI).


What Is The Native American Homeowner Initiative (NAHI) Grant?


The NAHI Grant is available to Alaska Native, American Indian, and Native Hawaiian homebuyers statewide! This is a $25,000 grant that can be used for your down payment, closing costs and prepaid expenses of your home purchase.

It can be used for the purchase of a single-family home, 1-4 unit properties, condos, and townhomes. 

Please note, the Home$tart and NAHI grants are limited this year and will be in-house only.


For more information, click on the link button below.

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